Icthyofaunal diversity of different reservoirs of Purulia District, West Bengal, India.
Ankita Pradhan, Rabindranath Kundu and Nachiketa Bandyopadhyay.
DU No: RA0565
Journal of Research in Biology (2015) 5(7): 1850-1859
Socio-economics of fishermen community around the Junglighat fish landing centre, South Andaman – a case study.
Santhosh Ram B, Ravi Ranjan Kumar, Bitopan Malakar and Venu S.
DU No: RA0563
Journal of Research in Biology (2015) 5(7): 1860-1867
Snakes of the Bhopal district, Madhya Pradesh, India with special reference to road mortality.
Amit Manhas, Rajni Raina and Ashwani Wanganeo.
DU No: RA0567
Journal of Research in Biology (2015) 5(7): 1868-1873
Influence of alcohol on the vigilance levels for a driving test.
Etobo Innocent AHOUNOU, Koffi Mathias YAO, Kobenan Fiéni, Jean-Baptiste ADOU, Némé Antoine TAKO and Bialli SERI.
DU No: RA0571
Journal of Research in Biology (2015) 5(7): 1874-1884
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Citations : 438
h-index : 10
g-index : 12
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Delta-g : 15