Floristic constitution and certain ecological characters of two selected natural mangrove vegetation in Kollam district, Kerala.
Sekaran S, Nisha Raj S, Arun S and Paulsamy S.
DU No: RA0506
Journal of Research in Biology (2015) 5(5): 1763-1768
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First report of Nereis (Neanthes) virens (Sars) an epitoky polychaete worm from Middle Strait, Baratang, Andaman Island, India.
Muruganantham M, Mohan PM, Karunakumari R and Vibha V Ubare.
DU No: RA0508
Journal of Research in Biology (2015) 5(5): 1769-1774
Prevalence of hemoglobin abnormalities in kindergartens of the city of Parakou (Benin) in 2013.
Marius Dakpo, Moutawakilou Gomina, Joseph Agossou, Didier Adedemy, Alphonse Noudamadjo and Simon Ayelèroun Akpona.
DU No: RA0528
Journal of Research in Biology (2015) 5(5): 1775-1781
First record of Anopheles aquasalis associated with malaria transmission in a community in Buriticupu municipality, Maranhão state, Brazil.
Vera Lúcia Lopes de Barros, Fábio Medeiros da Costa, Antônio Rafael da Silva, Eloisa da Graça Rosário Gonçalves and Wanderli Pedro Tadei.
DU No: RA0551
Journal of Research in Biology (2015) 5(5): 1782-1787
Evaluation of the insecticidal activity of two local plants aqueous extracts (Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae), Cassia siamea (Cesalpiniaceae)) on termites during the growth of Rice Nerica 1.
Seraphin Yao Kan Diby, Akpa Alexandre Moïse Akpesse, Tenon Coulibaly, Annick Yamousso Tahiri and Philippe Kouassi Kouassi.
DU No: RA0543
Journal of Research in Biology (2015) 5(5): 1788-1798
Batasio flavus, a new catfish species (Siluriformes: Bagridae) from Kerala, India.
Mathews Plamoottil.
DU No: RA0520
Journal of Research in Biology (2015) 5(5): 1799-1808
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