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Volume 4 Issue 5

Record of Pillaia indica Yazdani 1972, an endangered earthworm eel (Teleostei: Chaudhuriidae) from the streams of Brahmaputra drainage in Northeast India.

Sewali Pathak, Mrigendra Mohan Goswami and Nripendra Nath Sarma.

DU No: RA0450

Journal of Research in Biology (2014) 4(5): 1365-1370

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Microbiological control agents for cooling systems in hydroelectric power plants.

Paulo RD Marangoni, Carolina Gracia Poitevin, Patricia R Dalzoto, Marcos AC Berton and Ida C Pimentel.

DU No: RA0451

Journal of Research in Biology (2014) 4(5): 1371-1380

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Biochemical investigation - diagnostic tools of multiple myeloma.

Muthukumar N, Harry Thomas Rodriquez A and Rekha Sunder.

DU No: RA0459

Journal of Research in Biology (2014) 4(5): 1381-1386

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Knowledge of diseases and animal control methods at the Grand Kanem in Chad.

Ban-Bo Bebanto Antipas, Mian-Oudanang Koussou, Mopate Logténé Youssouf, Nakour Nargaye and Brahim Guihini. 

DU No: RA0455

Journal of Research in Biology (2014) 4(5): 1387-1396

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Hypoglycemic effect of inositol (IP6 as nutritional supplement) on streptozotocin induced type II diabetes mellitus in rats

Harry Thomas Rodriquez A, Muthukumar N and John de Britto A.

DU No: RA0462
Journal of Research in Biology (2014) 4(5): 1397-1401

Abstract (.PDF) Full Text (.PDF) Full Text (.xml)

Evaluation of spherical agglomerated crystals of Lomefloxacin by IR and optical microscopy.

Muthukumar N and Harry Thomas Rodriquez A.

DU No: RA0463
Journal of Research in Biology (2014) 4(5): 1402-1414

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Characterization of plumbagin from Plumbago zeylanica L and screening of its Impact on human intestinal micro flora.

Harry Thomas Rodriquez A, Muthukumar N and John de Britto A.

DU No: RA0466
Journal of Research in Biology (2014) 4(5): 1415-1422

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