Effect of varied soil matric potentials on the iron use efficiency of soybean genotypes (Glycine max L.).
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Avifaunal diversity of Koradi Lake in Nagpur District of central India.
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Production of protease by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus isolated from abattoir environment.
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Bioaccumulation of lead by Bacillus species isolated from pig waste.
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Characterization of carotenoid pigments in amphibian, Rhacophorous bipunctatus.
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On exposure to LC-50 of cadmium chloride, Ophiocephalaus punctatus alters the physicochemical parameters of water.
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Water quality and environmental assessment of sugar mill effluent.
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Antibiotic resistance pattern of isolated bacterial from salads.
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Lignolytic and phosphate solubilizing efficiency of fungal species isolated from Arecanut husk waste.
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Influnence of culture conditions on mycelial growth and luminescence of Panellus stipticus (bull.) P. Karst.
Prasher IB, Chandel VC and Ahluwalia AS.
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Journal of Research in Biology (2012) 2(2): 152-159
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