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Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics: JRB-Journal of Research in Biology is dedicated to upholding the most excellent writing ethical standards. All writers who send their research output to the JRB for publication as unique original papers agree that the works submitted refer to the efforts of their writers and have not been reproduced or copied in whole or to any degree from other works. The authors agree that they have disclosed all and all actual or possible conflicts of interest relevant to their research, or half-way benefits.

Maintaining a strategic buffer against:

Data manufacturing and falsification: Data manufacturing implies that the author did not actually carry out the investigation but rather wrote material. Falsification of data means the investigator did the study, but modified a portion of the details afterwards. Both of these practices have an impact on doubting readers.

Multiple submissions: Meanwhile, it is illegal to submit a similar or identical manuscript to more than one journal. This will result in the editors and peer reviewers losing time, and if published in more than one, it may damage the credibility of the journal.

Superfluous publications: this means writing several nearly identical manuscripts in the light of a common inquiry. Focusing on the manuscripts will make researches more amenable.

It is not fair and unscrupulous to take another's thoughts and work without giving them credit. Plagiarism is a big problem in manuscript writing which is far and wide. Plagiarism means "the unapproved use or near impersonation of another author's language and values, and the representation of one's own actual work." For the most part, this is seen when authors basically repeat scientific knowledge and data from the other published papers which in scholarly fraternity is a terrible activity. Hence we humbly ask all of our author(s) to take the holistic and realistic approach to preparing the mystery book.